
June 4, 2024
Recently, a post in a Melbourne Facebook group has offered drivers the chance to pay $500 or more the offload demerit points onto a stranger. While it may sound appealing to some, a short and straightforward answer is that it is an offence in Australia to do this. Depending on where you live and what...
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What happens in the courtroom during a family violence intervention order hearing depends on how the respondent chooses to respond to the intervention order. When facing an intervention order, respondents have various options. They can agree to the order by accepting without admission or contesting it. Alternatively, they may request an undertaking from the applicant....
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Many of us might wonder why challenging an intervention order isn’t resolved in one swift hearing with the magistrate. It seems like multiple hearings could be time-consuming and inefficient. While that might seem practical in terms of time, legally, there are steps that must be taken before the matter can proceed to a contested hearing....
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