Intellectual Property Law Glen Waverley

Fumens is a law firm which has the best Intellectual Property lawyers in Glen Waverley.- We possess the right amalgamation of experts to secure, expand and safeguard your intellectual property assets both locally and globally.

With extensive experience in the application for, protection and execution of intellectual property (IP) rights, we cover a wide range of industries and technologies. We assist clients in enlightening them on understanding the value of their intangible assets and the ways to strengthen this through patents, trademarks, registered designs, copyrights and other forms of IP protection.

With an intelligent team of Intellectual Property lawyers, Fumens is one of the only IP firms with true regional proficiency, expertise and acquaintance.

Starting a business is never easy, some of our clients find it exciting but sometimes it can also be challenging. Intellectual Property (IP) plays a crucial part of your business, as it is property of your mind, proprietary knowledge or productive ideas that you create to build a business in a market. There are various type of IP, some forms of IP require to go through applications, examination before you officially claim the ownership. Therefore, our lawyers are here to analyse and advise which IP type would suits your idea best and walk through these complex yet rigorous application process.

Intellectual Property Lawyer

Intellectual strategies that we plan will help you to protect your company, and your brand. Intellectual property law can always incur hefty legal fees and a lengthy trial. Thus, it is important that you engage the best intellectual property lawyers in Glen Waverley who are worth the money.

At Fumens we offer legal services with respect to different types of intellectual property rights that help to decide if your idea would fall under the protection of intellectual property law.

  • Copyright: Copyright refers to the protection of creative art which the artists produce, publicly display and perform. It helps the author/ artist to achieve financial gain from their creatives and restrict others from imitating the same without the copyright owner’s permission. Copyrights protects your original expression of ideas, though not the ideas themselves. It is common that copyright is associated with books, films, music, newspapers and artwork.
  • Trademark: A trade mark can be a logo, word, picture, etc, commonly used to distinguish a brand from another. While you may trade under registered business name, by registering the business name alone does not prevent others from using it or similar name. So it is essential for you to register trade marks to protect your business.
  • Advising clients on building contract disputes;Patents: Patents provide its owner exclusive commercial rights to an invention. The invention can be in relation to a device, substance, method or process, and must be new, inventive or innovative.
We are able to assist you with any following:
  • Analyse and advise the best IP type for you
  • Patent and designs Registration
  • Trade Marks Registration
  • Copyright
  • Registration review and updates
  • Opposing similar IP registration
  • Licensing and assigning IP
  • Infringement proceedings

Intellectual property law is complicated and highly valuable as it renders protection against your ideas, practices, and business. It is thus important that you safeguard your ideas with the help of a proficient Intellectual Property lawyer in Glen Waverley. Feel free to call us for any queries.


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