Michelle Mok

Contact Info

Michelle Mok



Michelle graduated from La Trobe University with a Bachelor of Laws (Honours). Subsequently, in 2020, she was admitted to practice law by the Supreme Court of Victoria. During her time at University, Michelle undertook several internships and volunteer positions including interning at the Legal Services Board and Commissioner.  Michelle is passionate about criminal, commercial, and civil litigation.

Since working at Fumens Lawyers, Michelle has gained considerable experience in family, criminal, commercial, and civil litigation. She has experience in a wide range of criminal matters spanning from Magistrates’ Court summary proceedings through to Supreme Court trials and appeals. She represents clients on all summary crime matters, and intervention order matters, and instructing in County Court, Supreme Court, and Court of Appeal for indictable offenses. Michelle is a go-to for diversion applications and plea hearings.

Apart from her criminal law experience, Michelle also has significant expertise in family law. Michelle is client focused. She is able to provide practical and pragmatic approaches to your matter, delivering tailored outcomes for you. She also brings strong advocacy on behalf of her clients and seeks to maximize opportunities to reach a resolution without the necessity of resorting to court litigation.

However, if court litigation becomes necessary, Michelle also has extensive experience in property settlement, children’s issues, and divorce matters.

Michelle practices largely in the areas of:

Michelle speaks fluent English, Mandarin, and Cantonese.


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