Franchising Law Reforms in Australia Recently, some of our clients who are franchisees have consulted us about what do they have to beware of when running a franchise. In fact, the laws and regulations on franchising in Australia...
New Release Eligible small commercial landlords can apply for a grant of up to $6.000 per eligible tenant. For landlords who are experiencing acute hardship because of the rent waiver agreed with their tenant(s), the grant may be...
Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal VCAT Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal In Australia, very strict procedures must be followed in court proceedings. The parties generally need to hire lawyers to prepare documents that meet the court requirements, assist...
Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) can review decisions made by Australian government departments and other agencies. The AAT is independent of any parties involved in the proceedings or the government agency who makes the...
Can employers stand down employees during a lockdown? The recent Covid-19 outbreak in Melbourne has placed Victoria back into lockdown again. Similar to the previous lockdowns, employees who can work from home must work from home. However, what...