
legal insight
Recently, a post in a Melbourne Facebook group has offered drivers the chance to pay $500 or more the offload demerit points onto a stranger. While it may sound appealing to some, a short and straightforward answer is that it is an offence in Australia to do this. Depending on where you live and what...
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What happens in the courtroom during a family violence intervention order hearing depends on how the respondent chooses to respond to the intervention order. When facing an intervention order, respondents have various options. They can agree to the order by accepting without admission or contesting it. Alternatively, they may request an undertaking from the applicant....
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Many of us might wonder why challenging an intervention order isn’t resolved in one swift hearing with the magistrate. It seems like multiple hearings could be time-consuming and inefficient. While that might seem practical in terms of time, legally, there are steps that must be taken before the matter can proceed to a contested hearing....
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We often encounter situations where a victim reports a matter to the police involving their spouse, parent, or child. However, after cooling down, they may not want further prosecution against them. So, what should the victim do in this instance? This scenario is commonly seen in intervention orders and family violence-related criminal matters. In such...
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Today, we will have a discuss about whether an IVO will affect your job and how long does an intervention order last. Just to refresh everyone’s memory, an Intervention Order is a court order designed to protect a person from another person’s harmful behaviour. This could be due to violence, threats, harassment, property damage, or...
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We get asked a lot what’s difference between conviction, non-conviction, proven dismissal and diversion. Relevantly they’re all to do with how an outcome in a criminal court is or is not recorded. A lot of people get confused because non-convictions proven dismissals still show up in your police certificate. The reason for that is because...
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Foreword In 2013 in Australia, Mr. E suffered from spinal cord compression due to a cervical herniated disc. As a result, he had to undergo cervical spine surgery. Prior to the incident, between 2012 to 2019 he had worked as a plasterer and a carpenter. Mr. E believed that his previous job interfered with the...
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Foreword At the beginning of last year, a female Chinese international student was assaulted after negotiating her wage. This malicious attack that took place in FunTea Adelaide spread went viral on the internet, attracting much public attention. According to statistics, in Australia, It is not uncommon to see that Asians and international students being underpaid....
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In case of online fraud or receiving products purchased online that do not match the description, how to recover the money already paid? Due to the pandemic and recent lockdowns, online shopping has rapidly become an essential part of our daily life. However, with the development of technology and the increasing popularity of online shopping,...
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From time to time, there are employers who are sued by the Fair Work Ombudsman Australia (FWO) for paying their employees less than the legal minimum wage. In this article, we will discuss the legal consequences of the failure to back-pay employees. 01 Example 1 – Joys Child Care On 19 August 2020, the FWO...
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